Just.Childhood and its kindergarten Bait al-Shams are founded on the social ideals grounded in an abiding belief that we can make a crucial difference in building a future society that is less violent, more just, and truly compassionate.
Waldorf Education in general wants to do something about our increasingly violent world. Few in the media draw a clear connection between violence and the way how we as parents and teachers raise and educate our children. Abstract concepts, rote learning, and standardized tests cannot develop the emotional and social intelligence our children need later in life to build relationships, contribute to society, and succeed in the workplace. Waldorf schools provide much-needed pathways toward wholeness—sensory and nature-based education; the arts; character education; community building; traditions of hospitality to name just a few.
We would not have been able to start our project without the trust and support, financially and/or morally by our private partners, institutions and partner NGOs in Germany and Lebanon. We appreciate their support very much, especially for the trust in a new project like ours.
With your help, we provide the children of our kindergarten a reformatory and sensitive approach to education based on the filial play to encourage their physical, emotional, mental, and social strength